Risk Purchasing Group
Cyber Insurance
American Public Entity Programs, LLC (APEP), through Crum & Forster, an A.M. Best “A” rated carrier, is providing a comprehensive Cyber Insurance policy to American Public Entity Association members. This policy affords a number of first and third-party coverages, ranging from data breach coverage, forensic investigation, and data recovery; whether through the action of an employee or an outsider.
The policy also provides many other coverages such as:
• Breach Cos
• E-Crime
• Cyber Extortion
• Crum & Forster Knowledge Center
In the event of breach, American Public Entity Association will have access to event management and breach consultative services from best-in-class breach responders with experience in computer forensics, data breach notification, credit and ID monitoring, and legal counsel.
The Cyber Insurance policy provides an Aggregate Limit of liability $1 million. The policy also provides Sublimit of Liability:
- eCrime Loss Sublimit of Liability: $250,000
- Dependent Business Sublimit of Liability: $100,000
- Deductible $10,000
- Waiting Period 10 Hours
Each covered Public Entity is provided limits that are independent.
International Travel
Some education programs offer foreign exchange programs, educational overseas trips for students and faculty. While offering tremendous educational value, foreign travel exposes the sponsoring institution to many risks that you may not be aware of.
American Public Entity Programs, LLC is pleased to offer its Liability-Auto-Property members an outstanding program provided by AIG. This coverage offers broad international coverage and provides the convenience of limits, premiums, and coverage payments in the U.S. currency.
The AIG package provides protection for school and town groups that are traveling abroad. Coverage has been tailored to suit the needs of public entities and their foreign travel programs.
Foreign Commercial General Liability
- Covers lawsuits brought in foreign countries and lawsuits brought into the Unites States
Foreign Voluntary Workers’ Compensation
- Covers employees traveling or working overseas, providing state-of-hire benefits for U.S. nationals
- Provides endemic disease and excess repatriation expense coverage
Travel Accident and Health
- Provides foreign travel and accident insurance
- Covers emergency medical and sickness expenses, 24-hour travel assistance, legal assistance, and lost passport/luggage services
Foreign Commercial Auto Liability
- Covers hired, non-owned autos abroad, excess of local compulsory insurance
- Provides local claim service and defense
Kidnap and Ransom/Extortion
- Covers foreign events, including ransom demands, kidnapping, personal extortion, wrongful detention, and hijacking
- Covers expenses incurring in negotiating release
- No exclusion for terrorism
Conditions and exclusions apply. For more information about this program, please contact American Public Entity Association.
Pollution Coverage
U. S. laws regarding pollution are strict and rely on the concept that the “polluter pays”.
Pollution events from leakage, an accident, or the illicit abandonment of hazardous material pollution episodes can affect your budget as well as the environment.
Expenses for remediation, liability, and legal defense for pollution events can be high.
American Public Entity Association members are now afforded a Municipality Pollution Program policy that provides broad Pollution Legal Liability coverage through a carrier rated “A” by A.M Best.
The Pollution Policy provides each member a limit if $500,000 of coverage for a pollution loss for the covered locations submitted and is subject to a $25,000 deductible. Additional limits are available up to 10 million. High hazard locations can be added subject to underwriting.
The policy provides coverage for first-party remediation, which includes abatement, removal, and monitoring costs. It also covers third-party bodily injury, property damage, and remediation claims, as well as legal defense costs. Included are examples of claims involving the pollution coverage.
Conditions and exclusions apply. For more information about this program, please contact American Public Entity Association.
To see examples of claims involving Pollution Coverage, Click Here!
American Public Entity Programs, LLC (APEP), through Beazley, is providing DEADLY WEAPONS PROTECTION for the Connecticut Risk Purchasing Group Association.
This policy affords a cost effective approach to purchasing critical coverage utilizing a shared limit policy.
In the modern world, threats come from many sources. One of the most difficult to defend against is the incursion of an armed assailant intent on inflicting harm.
Although shootings are all too often in the headlines, recent experience reminds us that devastation can also be wrought using seemingly everyday terms such as knives and road vehicle attacks. Beazley is experienced in liability insurance and deadly weapons protection packages specifically designed to assist institutions that are at risk.
Limit: $1,000,000
Deductible: $10,000 each event
Coverage highlights
- Three core pillars
- Prevention services
- Crisis management services
- Insurance cover to indemnify losses
- Cover for a wide variety of weapons, not just firearms.
- Crisis management services are activated if a weapon is just brandished as well as it actually used.
- Cover for liability when harm is caused by attacks using deadly weapons. This is in addition to business interruption and property damage cost